How advisers can better help investors play the AI theme
Investment & Trading StrategiesTech & Solutions

How advisers can better help investors play the AI theme

Should investors buy direct shares of Nvidia, in particular, buy the dip when its inflated share price drops with market volatility, or take a different approach?

Zero Day Options in the Australian Market
Investment & Trading Strategies

Zero Day Options in the Australian Market

Should Zero Day options be listed a week in advance on a daily basis, or be listed at the beginning of each trading day to expire at the close? There are benefits to each approach for different industry stakeholders.

Options can add extra dimension to financial advice
Investment & Trading Strategies

Options can add extra dimension to financial advice

The ASX in conjunction with the Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (SIAA) provides scholarships for advisers to undertake the necessary training to become an accredited derivatives adviser. AUSIEX can help facilitate these scholarships.

Helping investors by protecting bank stocks with options
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Helping investors by protecting bank stocks with options

Citi’s recent decision to downgrade all listed Australian banks to “sell” was the first time it had been so bearish on the sector since February 2015.

Self managed super fund investors turn to advisers amid market uncertainty
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Self managed super fund investors turn to advisers amid market uncertainty

A deep dive by AUSIEX into the composition and trading habits of advised self managed superannuation funds provides valuable intelligence for SMSF advisers.

Which stocks are popular with SMSF investors?
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Which stocks are popular with SMSF investors?

The answer depends on whether they use a financial adviser.

Global dividends set to rise in 2024
Data InsightsEconomics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Global dividends set to rise in 2024

High-quality international companies offer attractive yields as well as upside potential for capital gain.

How to invest in alternatives with listed products
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How to invest in alternatives with listed products

The stockmarket offers more than just access to public equities.

Using Options to Repair a Stock Position
Investment & Trading Strategies

Using Options to Repair a Stock Position

The use of a “Stock Repair” strategy can potentially be a handy tool when managing your portfolio, providing a faster path back to break even, than simply holding stock alone.  

How to get selective with US stocks in 2024
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How to get selective with US stocks in 2024

Advisers may find value in unexpected quarters of the world’s biggest sharemarket.

Three steps to optimise your trading orders
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Three steps to optimise your trading orders

Financial advisers could add value to clients by adept order placement, writes Tolga Dokumcu, Director of Sales Trading and Execution at AUSIEX.

Most read on AXIS 2023
Data InsightsEconomics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Most read on AXIS 2023

Our most read content from 2023.

Volatile conditions spur potential investment strategy rethink
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Volatile conditions spur potential investment strategy rethink

Professional fund managers and advisers alike are reconsidering tactical asset allocation in the current market environment.

US market may turn up more opportunities than just AI
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

US market may turn up more opportunities than just AI

Investors who have ridden the wave of technology gains may look to reposition their US holdings.

How to set asset allocation in an uncertain world
Data InsightsEconomics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How to set asset allocation in an uncertain world

There is more to portfolio construction than a simple division between shares and bonds.

Mid caps can add extra dimension to blue chip portfolios
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Mid caps can add extra dimension to blue chip portfolios

The long-term gains of this overlooked section of the market suggests it should be on the radar of advisers and investors. 

New option strategies for global investors
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

New option strategies for global investors

As market volatility increases, so too is options trading over international ETFs.

How to build a truly global portfolio with ETFs
Data InsightsEconomics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How to build a truly global portfolio with ETFs

The large number of Exchange Traded Funds dedicated to international shares belies the home bias that can potentially dominate the portfolios of Australians.

Quality is the best defence in volatile times
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Quality is the best defence in volatile times

As market uncertainty continues, financial advisers can expect a raft of questions from clients. 

Bears and Butterflies: Two ways to trade a falling market
Investment & Trading Strategies

Bears and Butterflies: Two ways to trade a falling market

There are a thousand ways to skin a cat and there are a similar number of ways to use options to gain a directional exposure to equity markets. The intention of this article is to compare 2 strategies to play a falling market, discussing the pros and cons of each, as well as the common pitfalls and important considerations.

Fixed interest resurgence fuels ETF innovation, inflows
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Fixed interest resurgence fuels ETF innovation, inflows

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) with a focus on fixed interest were among those that benefited most from renewed appetite for fixed interest over the past 6 months as investors looked to build allocations to an asset class that suffered an atypical decline in 2022.

Advisers turn to capital notes to generate more investment income for clients
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Advisers turn to capital notes to generate more investment income for clients

There are ways to generate regular and consistent income for investors other than just fixed income and dividends. Advisers have been turning to capital notes, according to AUSIEX data.

Most read on AXIS 2022
Data InsightsEconomics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Most read on AXIS 2022

Our most read content from 2022.

After a year of turmoil and change, what may lie ahead in 2023?
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

After a year of turmoil and change, what may lie ahead in 2023?

There is little doubt with interest rates on the rise and economies expected to slow, that 2023 will be another challenging one for most advisers and investors, although there is a lot of speculation over exactly how challenging. We look at some of the sectors, asset classes and strategies best placed to emerge with earnings intact in the year ahead.

Options trading: Grab uncertainty by the collar
Investment & Trading Strategies

Options trading: Grab uncertainty by the collar

More experienced investors and advisers can use options and, in particular, collar strategies to provide cost-neutral downside protection in times of market uncertainty.

How long can electric vehicle transition keep driving ASX Lithium stocks?
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How long can electric vehicle transition keep driving ASX Lithium stocks?

Despite an already rapid rise, lithium prices and stock values look set to continue to strengthen in the face of worries about a weaker economic outlook, due largely to the sharp growth expected in electric vehicle demand.

Improving returns through smarter trading
Investment & Trading Strategies

Improving returns through smarter trading

Stockbrokers, smaller institutions, financial advice groups, family offices and other wholesale investors can improve efficiency, and even returns, by the way they trade their stock market investments.

There's more to ETF investing than selecting funds: don't forget about the execution strategy
Investment & Trading Strategies

There's more to ETF investing than selecting funds: don't forget about the execution strategy

In the rapidly expanding ETF market, the quoted management fee isn’t the only price you can pay.

Listed real estate sell off sparks increasing interest from investors
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Listed real estate sell off sparks increasing interest from investors

Australian’s love property, but when it comes to listed property, there has been little to love lately. The recent market downturn and tougher macroeconomic environment hit the AREIT market hard this year, but there are signs that may be turning around.

Elevated food prices set to drive sector growth and diversification opportunity
Investment & Trading Strategies

Elevated food prices set to drive sector growth and diversification opportunity

The Australian agriculture sector is looking forward to bumper crops at a time of rising global prices and offering an enticing opportunity for investors looking for growth opportunities and diversification. Even though short-term risks remain, structural changes mean the opportunities may be around for the longer term.

Inflation, rate rises and the rotation to value: Where are we now?
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Inflation, rate rises and the rotation to value: Where are we now?

Until early this year, equity markets were resilient in the face of the rate hikes, but they are now coming around to a view in the bond markets that tighter monetary policy to tame inflation will be here longer, helping mark our position in the latest value rotation.

Smarter strategies needed to invest the energy crisis challenge
Economics & MarketsIndustry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Smarter strategies needed to invest the energy crisis challenge

The Federal government has released its first offshore petroleum exploration permits, ensuring growth in the oil and gas sector at a time when it is seeking to boost its climate change credentials. The government’s divergent approach is symptomatic of a dilemma facing investors in the energy market – which way to play the energy crisis.

Passive defensives set to shine as uncertainty clouds outlook
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Passive defensives set to shine as uncertainty clouds outlook

The Reserve Bank of Australia is on a charge to get inflation under control, and equity markets are fearful of the economic impact. Fortunately for investors with a preference for exchange traded funds (ETFs) there are a number of products tied to defensive sectors to consider.

Tough times call for quality stocks, but finding them is harder than it looks
Investment & Trading Strategies

Tough times call for quality stocks, but finding them is harder than it looks

The sell-off in equity markets this year has many investors naturally looking for a defensive strategy. One such option is to shift into quality companies to ride out the turmoil. It sounds simple, but quality is in the eye of the beholder. 

ESG Risk: Navigating green claims and credentials
Industry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

ESG Risk: Navigating green claims and credentials

ESG claims are under increased scrutiny and investors and advisers need to take care.

Increased interest in private credit as inflation takes off but be cautious
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Increased interest in private credit as inflation takes off but be cautious

As rising inflation and interest rates bring an end to the ‘everything boom’, private credit funds may offer capital protection and higher yields for investors.

Major banks on track for profit growth but challenges ahead
Investment & Trading Strategies

Major banks on track for profit growth but challenges ahead

Interest rate hikes, a cooling economy and technology disruption are all set to hit the Australian banks this year. While the major players have all just reported positive results, the challenges keep growing so are the big 4 banks worthy of consideration?

Sharply rising inflation puts focus on hedging strategies
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Sharply rising inflation puts focus on hedging strategies

Inflation is firmly on the rise and looks set to remain high for longer than most investors have experienced in recent memory. We look at how to prepare portfolios for the new world.

Commodities surge set to outlast supply disruptions as ESG pressures build
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Commodities surge set to outlast supply disruptions as ESG pressures build

Recent geopolitical uncertainty has helped strengthen mining, energy and commodity stocks already enjoying a post-covid surge but the sudden boom may prove longer-lasting than many expect as decarbonisation pressures grow.

Post-pandemic boost to the digital healthcare sector
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Post-pandemic boost to the digital healthcare sector

The pandemic has sped up the digital transformation of the economy, boosting the scale of data being produced while leading to a surge in the focus on healthcare, creating new opportunities in digital healthcare providers.

Post-pandemic, A-REITS faces challenges and new opportunities
Data InsightsEconomics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Post-pandemic, A-REITS faces challenges and new opportunities

Australia’s real estate investment trusts have weathered a volatile time since the pandemic storm hit but the asset has proved its resilience and new opportunities are emerging. 

Cybersecurity: growing threats to business, opportunities for investors
Investment & Trading Strategies

Cybersecurity: growing threats to business, opportunities for investors

The government is moving rapidly to help businesses face the escalating threat but the rising demand for protection services is also an opportunity for a growing number of listed companies.

Growth vs value in an inflationary world
Investment & Trading Strategies

Growth vs value in an inflationary world

A slowdown in the rapid rise in stock markets and speculation over the outlook for rate rises has revived the growth versus value debate but is the choice clear cut?

Women taking more control of their finances and trading through SMSFs
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Women taking more control of their finances and trading through SMSFs

One message of International Women's Day is about female empowerment, especially regarding personal finance. AUSIEX data shows SMSFs are proving to be the vehicle of choice for younger women to take control of their financial future and invest their retirement savings.

The Metaverse may be the future but the opportunities are now
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading StrategiesTech & Solutions

The Metaverse may be the future but the opportunities are now

The Metaverse might still sound like science fiction but companies are building it now, and the investment opportunities are being seized on.

How To Build An Alternative Income Portfolio In Volatile Markets
Investment & Trading Strategies

How To Build An Alternative Income Portfolio In Volatile Markets

For income-focused investors, the listed market continues to deliver a growing range of options that combine steady, and even growing, income as interest rates rise, with the liquidity of shares.

Younger investors to the fore as fin-tech and climate-tech spur trading on AUSIEX
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Younger investors to the fore as fin-tech and climate-tech spur trading on AUSIEX

Surging interest in financial technology and climate themes helped shape trading in the heavyweight mining and financial services industries over 2021 as younger investors flocked to the market.

Factoring in smart beta to combat volatility
Investment & Trading Strategies

Factoring in smart beta to combat volatility

Investors have plenty of options to manage market volatility but diversification remains the key.

How inflation affects retail stocks
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How inflation affects retail stocks

Inflation is re-emerging and may have major implications for financial markets. MST Marquee Senior Analyst Craig Woolford says it may be beneficial for listed retailers, but investors should tread carefully.

Diversifying with alternatives: How retail investors access private equity
Investment & Trading Strategies

Diversifying with alternatives: How retail investors access private equity

Private equity is playing an increasingly mainstream role in financial markets as investors look for diversification away from highly priced public markets. As demand grows retail investors are likely to see more opportunities to participate in a market that has previously been closed to them.

Home and away: Investing in climate change
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Home and away: Investing in climate change

Now that Australia has set a 2050 target for net zero emissions, the race is officially on to find industries, technologies and investments that can help get us there. The challenge for investors is whether to back portfolios of international pure-play exposures, or invest in local companies that are changing the way they do business.

Crypto ETFs are coming
Industry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Crypto ETFs are coming

Two of the hottest investment markets – Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and cryptocurrencies – have rapidly come together amid clamor for liquid, transparent and fair vehicles that allow retail investors to access digital assets.

The rise of active ETFs challenges Listed Investment Companies and Trusts
Industry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

The rise of active ETFs challenges Listed Investment Companies and Trusts

A spate of new listings and fund conversions have sparked predictions that active Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) will soon overtake the older listed investment company (LIC) sector as the preferred channel for diversified equity and debt investments.

Dive into technology ETFs
Investment & Trading Strategies

Dive into technology ETFs

In August, investment manager VanEck forecast that the acceleration of flows into thematic exchange traded funds (ETFs) would see funds under management (FUM) reach $10 billion by the year's end. With the launch of ETF Securities’ new Semiconductor ETF on the ASX recently, the strong investor interest in capturing price growth in the technology sector through ETFs continues to accelerate.

Finding value in frothy markets
Investment & Trading Strategies

Finding value in frothy markets

There are some opportunities for investors across a number of sectors despite a fully priced Australian share market.

How to choose a thematic ETF
Investment & Trading Strategies

How to choose a thematic ETF

From cloud computing to climate change, thematic ETFs have been among the big winners of the pandemic, with money pouring into the sector and a raft of new funds being launched. But how should investors choose from the growing array of options of offer?

Positioning your portfolio for inflation
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Positioning your portfolio for inflation

Investors will need to start thinking about how to position their portfolio for rising inflation with expected economic growth in the wake of large-scale fiscal support and stimulatory money policy.

Inside the SPAC hype: What investors need to know
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Inside the SPAC hype: What investors need to know

Markets across the world are experiencing a boom in SPACs - a Special Purpose Acquisition Company. Branded as blank-cheque companies, the overseas enthusiasm for these companies remains robust in 2021, and while there are no signs that Australia is about to embrace blank-cheque companies, there are some cautionary lessons for local investors investing offshore.

Lessons from 1937: Will US stocks rally from here?
Industry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Lessons from 1937: Will US stocks rally from here?

International growth is expected go from strength to strength over the next 12 months and while the US economy is expected to benefit, it’s worth asking the question: has the market already priced in a lot of the US economy’s recent gains and can such growth sustain its market rally?

Investor implications from the "pandemic" budget
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Investor implications from the "pandemic" budget

Big spending initiatives in the 2021 Federal Budget aim to drive economic growth. With the risk of inflation low, investors can expect a positive outlook for asset markets.

Banking on dividends
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Banking on dividends

There is some good news for income-seeking investors with possible buybacks in the pipeline as the big banks reported a lift in dividend payments in the May reporting season.

Three tips for dividend investing as payouts rebound from COVID lows
Investment & Trading Strategies

Three tips for dividend investing as payouts rebound from COVID lows

Dividend payments are on the rise again as the economy reboots, but not all companies are recovering from the pandemic at the same pace. Stephen Bruce, Senior Portfolio Manager at Perennial Value Management, provides some tips for investing in the post COVID environment.

Who inherits your super?
Investment & Trading Strategies

Who inherits your super?

Clients often assume their superannuation will be paid in accordance with their will. However, this is not necessarily the case and a conversation around estate planning is key.

Planning tips for a happier retirement
Investment & Trading Strategies

Planning tips for a happier retirement

Retirement is about more than just money, investments and never having to work again. Amongst other things it’s about having more time for the things you enjoy, while at the same time finding a new purpose.

Why the ETF trend is not always your clients' friend
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Why the ETF trend is not always your clients' friend

ETFs are popular with advisers and their clients as they are cheap to buy into and require little administration. However, volatile markets and sector concentration bring their own risks.

What's next for the Australian, Asian and global economies?
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

What's next for the Australian, Asian and global economies?

Like many other economies, Australia has benefited from decades of global trade and investment, which the arrival of COVID-19 has severely curtailed. We examine the predictions of leading analysts.

Positioning Australia as an international financial services hub
Investment & Trading StrategiesTech & Solutions

Positioning Australia as an international financial services hub

While highly regarded for its robust funds management industry, Australia must review its tax regime and cut red tape if it wants to attract global fund managers and regional investors.

Netflix, Fitbits and 'Big Tech': the future of financial advice
Investment & Trading Strategies

Netflix, Fitbits and 'Big Tech': the future of financial advice

By 2030 the majority of financial advisers will offer goal-based advice spanning investment, protection, education, retirement and broader wellness, according to an influential report

Portfolio construction in uncertain times
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Portfolio construction in uncertain times

Portfolio review and asset allocation are critical during heightened market volatility. And there are lessons to be learnt from how fund managers handle similar challenges.

Tax deductible financial advice: here's what you can claim
Investment & Trading Strategies

Tax deductible financial advice: here's what you can claim

One of the biggest challenges is working out which financial advice fees are tax deductible. Here we break down the relevant principles.

Can insurance tech improve client experience?
Investment & Trading Strategies

Can insurance tech improve client experience?

The digitisation of advice is often cited as one of the biggest challenges facing advisers today. But technology could have a profound effect on how insurance is sold.

Helping your clients with financial decisions during market volatility
Investment & Trading Strategies

Helping your clients with financial decisions during market volatility

During times of crisis, it is important for financial advisers to be a voice of reason. As one expert notes, it is sometimes hardest getting clients to do nothing.

Trading in volatile times
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Trading in volatile times

Times of volatility may call for revised trading strategies. This piece looks at areas where advisers can improve, especially when placing large trades in the marketplace.

Barriers to investment: a female perspective
Investment & Trading Strategies

Barriers to investment: a female perspective

Financial inequality remains a reality for many women who earn less than men or who take time out of the workforce. An adviser who specialises in female clients offers her view.

Beyond COVID-19: key metrics and sectors to watch over 2020
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Beyond COVID-19: key metrics and sectors to watch over 2020

CommSec Senior Economist Ryan Felsman considers how the recovery from COVID-19 will play out and picks the sectors most likely to thrive and flounder.

10 tips for working from home
Investment & Trading Strategies

10 tips for working from home

Financial advisers working remotely for long periods will need to be informed, prepared and resilient. An expert offers advice on dealing with this unprecedented disruption.

Cybersecurity: What you need to know
Investment & Trading Strategies

Cybersecurity: What you need to know

An expert analyses the three key trends he says will drive the evolution of cybersecurity in Australian financial services over the next 12 months. 

Is an SMSF right for your client?
Investment & Trading StrategiesTech & Solutions

Is an SMSF right for your client?

SMSFs take time to do well – but of course so do many other things in the average client’s life. An expert suggests financial advisers draw on past experience to ensure clients are aware of potential complexities.

Investing when the market is volatile
Economics & MarketsInvestment & Trading Strategies
Economic Insights

Investing when the market is volatile

Economic backdrop: Market volatility at record highs; what should investors look at in a volatile market; and keeping an eye on your portfolio

Where to be visible on social media
Investment & Trading Strategies

Where to be visible on social media

The proliferation of social media platforms means there are more options than you likely have time. Here’s how to determine where to best focus your efforts.

8 tips for clients visiting financial advisers
Investment & Trading Strategies

8 tips for clients visiting financial advisers

How do you get the most out of your meetings with an adviser? Here are eight great tips for getting the most out of your time together.

A snapshot into FASEA exams, courses and costs
Investment & Trading Strategies

A snapshot into FASEA exams, courses and costs

Financial advisers are under pressure to comply with new education requirements. But it may not be as overwhelming as you think.

Step by step: basics for advising blended families
Investment & Trading StrategiesTech & Solutions

Step by step: basics for advising blended families

Joint families may come with some financial baggage. Encouraging disclosure of their history is a great way to give them a healthy financial start.

How to build resilience to boost well-being
Investment & Trading Strategies

How to build resilience to boost well-being

76% of workers struggle with their well-being. Knowing how to take care of your health will not just benefit you, but your company too.

Dealing with clients in personal and financial distress
Industry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Dealing with clients in personal and financial distress

Remaining focussed on the financial fallout is the best way to walk the fine line between adviser and mentor.

How to engage employees on your innovation journey
Data InsightsInvestment & Trading Strategies

How to engage employees on your innovation journey

Staff training underpins innovative organisations. But not just any training. Commonwealth Bank’s latest Business Insights report analyses which programs work best.

Investing in Thematic ETFs now needs Active Management
Industry NewsInvestment & Trading Strategies

Investing in Thematic ETFs now needs Active Management

Thematic ETFs have boomed during the dramatic equity market recovery that has followed the Covid-19 shock, dubbed ”the everything rally”. Going forward, investors will need to be more selective and ensure their thematic ETFs are based on solid, confirmed megatrends that have a probability of play out over the long term.