AUSIEX White Paper - Prepare for Change 2024
AUSIEX White Paper - Prepare for Change 2024

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How advisers can better help investors play the AI theme
Investment & Trading StrategiesTech & Solutions

How advisers can better help investors play the AI theme

Should investors buy direct shares of Nvidia, in particular, buy the dip when its inflated share price drops with market volatility, or take a different approach?

What fund managers expect in the second half of 2024
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What fund managers expect in the second half of 2024

Three fund managers give an insight into markets for the second half of 2024 and beyond.

Australian equity capital markets could be better used to generate wealth and opportunities for all
Economics & MarketsIndustry News

Australian equity capital markets could be better used to generate wealth and opportunities for all

Patrick Salis, CEO of AUSIEX, writes that the role of equity capital markets in Australia in bringing businesses from startup to capital markets is not working as effectively as it could.

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Video: Why are Australian public equity markets underperforming?
Industry News

Video: Why are Australian public equity markets underperforming?

AUSIEX CEO, Patrick Salis, appeared on ausbiz TV to discuss how effectiveness of Australian public equity markets in elevating businesses from startup to significant economic contributors could be vastly improved.

Global versus local: emerging markets re-emerge
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Global versus local: emerging markets re-emerge

Australia’s biggest institutional investors have tended to hold more overseas stocks than local ones for decades. Individual investors are now starting to catch up.

Zero Day Options in the Australian Market
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Zero Day Options in the Australian Market

Should Zero Day options be listed a week in advance on a daily basis, or be listed at the beginning of each trading day to expire at the close? There are benefits to each approach for different industry stakeholders.

Helping investors by protecting bank stocks with options
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Helping investors by protecting bank stocks with options

Citi’s recent decision to downgrade all listed Australian banks to “sell” was the first time it had been so bearish on the sector since February 2015.

Advisers add European equities to portfolios in 2024
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Advisers add European equities to portfolios in 2024

The outlook for European mega caps is one factor driving investment in the region’s sharemarkets.

Where Australia's sovereign wealth fund is investing
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Where Australia's sovereign wealth fund is investing

The $223 billion Future Fund made significant new investments in equities over the past year.

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